Make it a “treasure” hunt when you are looking for collectible dolls in San Francisco, CA - Collectibles
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Make it a “treasure” hunt when you are looking for collectible dolls in San Francisco, CA

When you find collectible dolls in San Francisco CA, it’s like finding a treasure.  And some times, finding collectible dolls in San Francisco CA is as difficult as a treasure hunt.  That hunt can be fun or frustrating.  That’s why searching online for collectible dolls in San Francisco CA may be just as exciting.

When I was young, I can remember going in to a doll hospital and there I stood amazed at the doll parts and doll wigs – and repaired dolls for sale that were left by their owners.  Dark and crowded, smelling of old, there were antique porcelain and bisque dolls, cloth dolls, and old Miss Muffie dolls…it was a treasure chest of dolls.

I didn’t know at the time, but the Miss Muffie dolls I so adored were made by the Nancy Ann Story Book Doll Company (1936-1964), founded by Nancy Ann Abbott in our very own San Francisco, CA.  The first Miss Muffie dolls were small, 8 inch, made of bisque, later they were made of hard plastic.  Now years later, in my search for collectible dolls in San Francisco, CA, every time I run across a Miss Muffie doll or her clothes, accessories or furniture I find myself going back to those many dolls tucked away, all but abandoned in that doll hospital frequented by my grandmother and I.

So, when searching for collectible dolls in San Francisco CA, it’s okay to start with a doll that has special meaning from your childhood.  You will then be surrounded by wonderful dolls that take you on a journey to cherished memories – and when they increase in value, well, that is just an added bonus.

Better Everything knows that it can be difficult to find collectible dolls in San Francisco CA and elsewhere, so recommend the perfect online collectible dolls shop, Stella’s Treasures.  Stella sure got it right:  collectible dolls are treasures indeed – and she has a wide variety you will enjoy and surely find one treasure that tugs on your heart strings like Miss Muffie does for me.  Stella’s Treasures even has Nancy Ann Story Book Dolls and an Encyclopedia of Nancy Ann Story Book Dolls to help identify the collectible dolls and their values – or to simply have to reminisce.

Collectible dolls in San Francisco CA or any other city is special no matter your reason for collecting.


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