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Indoor air quality Vancouver WA

Indoor air qualityIf you’ve never thought about your indoor air quality you might consider it now. We recently read an article on what causes poor indoor air quality at Tri-Tech Heating in Vancouver’s website and made some changes in how we store our cleaning and maintenance supplies as a direct result of reading the article.

My Mom was complaining that her allergies seem to be much worse this year so I started to surf the web to learn more about indoor air quality. I was amazed at how much it can impact our quality of life. Indoor air pollution comes from many things – seen and unseen – in and around the house. After reading up on the way our indoor air quality affects our quality of life I realized we needed to make some changes.

The first thing I did was take our cleaning and gardening chemicals out of the garage (they were stored on a shelf right next to the furnace) and into our outdoor garden shed. I had never really thought about the fact that, by nature of it’s design, our furnace/air conditioning was sucking those fumes right into our house on a daily basis!


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