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Airport Car Service

Airport car services. US Airports and cities.

Newark airport car service in Somerset County New Jersey for EWR airport transportation

If you are looking for cost effective Newark airport transportation to and from EWR and you live or travel to any part of Somerset County then the company we recommend for Newark airport car service is American City Express Limousine.

If you are wondering why we have a very simple answer: this company puts power behind the word service when they talk about Newark airport car service!

Worried about airport car service in a nice, clean professionally chaufeurred vehicle being too expensive…. think again. When you consider the amount of time you will spend fighting for public transportation services such as airport shuttles, taxis and busses, the slightly higher cost of a car service becomes little more than a cup of coffee will cost you at the New Jersey airport!

See for your self. Get a quick quote on Newark airport car service online.

Newark airport transportation

As a website builder and web marketing professional focused on helping my clients optimize their websites for search engines, I am privileged to learn about a variety of products and services. One of the most intriguing things is to learn how people search for these products and services.

Our Newark airport limousine company, American City Express, is a great example. The owner and my team all assumed the most common search phrase for his product would be Newark airport limo or some version of that. Imagine our surprise when we did the research and found out that the most searched phrase used by people looking for Newark airport car service is actually Newark airport transportation!

Of course once we processed it and got out of our roles as company representatives and started thinking like customers – it made sense. If you are flying into or out of an airport, what you are looking for is the best transportation to and from that airport. Thus, working with our client to optimize his website to include the search phrase Newark airport transportation suddenly became obvious.

As a company proud to represent only clients that we have personally researched so that we can feel comfortable recommending them, we are certainly proud to represent the finest Newark airport transportation company on the east coast – American City Express.

Newark airport car service

In nearly 30 years of business travel I have taken many taxis, buses, airport shuttles and other forms of airport transportation. However, it was on a recent trip to Newark, NJ that I gained my truest appreciation of the value of choosing a Newark airport car service over any other mode of transportation.

I had flown in to meet a potential client for the first time. As always, I took the latest flight out of PDX as I could because I always have too much to do. This, of course, meant arriving at my destination late at night. Everything had been fine until we were nearing the Newark New Jersey airport. About 15 minutes prior to landing time the captain announced that we were being put into a holding pattern due to an unexpected congestion problem.

As it turned out, this unexpected delay was 1 hour an 15 minutes! As we were in the air I had no way to call the Newark airport car service I had hired. I just knew that I would be hitching a ride on a shuttle or standing in a long, uncomfortable line waiting for a taxi.

However, to my great surprise and relief, the Newark airport car service I had hired had actually paid attention to my flight schedule and was there when I arrived in baggage claim!

I can’t tell you how pleasant it was to see this well dressed gentleman standing there holding a sign with my name on it!

Of course, the pleasure has since become much more since when I called to speak to the owner and thank him for such excellent service our chat led to him signing his company up for our services! How could I not offer them to him – American City Express Limo represents everything that we want to promote here at!

Newark Airport Limo Service

If you are looking for expert Newark Airport Limo service than look no further. Better Everything recommends American City Express for the best Newark Airport Limo Service. Traveling in and out of Newark Airport can be a challenge sometimes. However, when you choose ACE as your Newark Airport Limo service you can rest assured that your limo driver will be at the Newark Airport when you are.

This Newark Airport Limo service succeeds year after year because they really do know the meaning of service. Call American City Express Limo 24/7 or visit their website to make reservations or request a quote online.

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